Archive for February, 2009


Walter Lippman when asked about leadership legacy reflected that “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind in others the conviction and will to carry on”.

How do you measure up as a legacy leader?
1. Legacy leaders are remembered more for their interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence and their ability to quickly transform a group into a vision driven team.
2. People don’t remember the titles of legacy leaders as much as they remember credibility, influence, compassion, understanding, patience, and integrity.
3. Legacy leaders are courageous. They are willing to stand for what is right and to take risks with a quiet tenacity. They are willing to “go against the flow” to ensure that the highest standards are maintained.
4. Legacy leaders look inward before acting outward. They know their motivations, vulnerabilities, and triggers for negative emotions. They are authentic and teachable.
5. Legacy leaders know how and when to be quiet. They ask questions and take the time to research and discover all the details before forming an opinion or taking action.
6. Legacy leaders are teachers. They remember that everyone is growing. They know that each day offers opportunities for continuous improvement, not perfection, and they encourage those they lead to strive for learning.
7. Legacy leaders are approachable. They create safe environments into which others know they can bring concerns or new ideas.
8. Legacy leaders know how to balance managing by influence and managing by authority.
9. Legacy leaders are empowering. They ensure the success of those around them. They plan for and train their successors. They inspire others to stretch, grow, through support and positioning others for success.
10. Legacy leaders don’t build more followers, they build more leaders.
11. Legacy leaders are visionary. They visualize tomorrow’s possibilities, see the organizations potential and then bite size the steps to allow their people the opportunity to experience small successes on their journey to vision attainment.
12. Legacy leaders set an example of excellence not perfection.
A legacy of leadership is what stays long after you have left the position. How did you measure up?

Until next time,

Ready, Set, Engage Action Cards:

Category : Ready_Set_Engage | Synergistic Leadership | Blog

The two most destructive forces in the human mind: fear and anxiety” - So true. I also love the eloquence of Napoleon Hill, “They kill enthusiam, destroy faith, blind vision, blunt creatice effort, and dispel harmony and peace of mind”.

You think about when you hear an unknown noise, no matter how tired you are, you wake up ready for action or ready to hide under the bed. Fight, Flight or Hide.

One of the things I think is hurting the spirit of humanity right now is a combination of the common fears of loss: Loss of Money, Loss of Health and Loss of Love.

Because leaders are “human” at least the last time I checked, it is hard not be be affected by the fears that are facing your people. Can you do something today in your world that provides more financial education, health knowledge, personal development and self acceptance with the people on your team.

I know you can, you are synergistic leaders. I believe in you.

Until next time,

Revolutionary Professional Development System

Category : Ready_Set_Engage | Synergistic Leadership | Blog

“Doubt is a luxury we do not have right now.  You are more powerful than you realize. You will know when the time comes to act”. Mrs. Incredible

There is a scene in the movie, The Incredibles, when Mrs. Incredible must leave the children and the oldest daughter, Violet, is afraid she doesn’t have what it takes to act when she is called to.  You see in a previous scene, she needed to use her power to protect their plane from attack but all she could do was panic, or in leadership terms she was afraid to act in her strength.

The quote communicates the faith of the mother in her daughter.   It is also the communication of a leader, restoring the confidence and faith in the natural ability of their team member.  People will work harder for personal recommendation and a word of commendation where it is deserved than they will for money alone.  Your job as leader is to see that everyone has a role and that he or she recognizes the importance of that role.  And one decision not to act, does not diminish the talent.

“There is a state of mind that tends to establish rapport between minds and provides the power of attraction that gains the friendly teamwork of others. This state is enthusiasm.”  Napoleon Hill

The strength of a leader is in the ability to inspire enthusiasm in a way  that team members don’t  focus on the time when they were unable to act but instead they are waiting enthusiastically for the next opportunity to act powerfully.

In case you didn’t see the movie, The Incredibles, the next time Violet got a chance to act, her power was impenetrable.

Think about it. 

Until next time,



Free  E-Mentoring Program:

Category : Ready_Set_Engage | Synergistic Leadership | Team University | Blog

Be real, they are watching you. 

I have often been told that when I smile my eyes light up.  Likewise, I have been told that I can share other emotions as well.  That icy look for example.  Even though I might be smiling. 

So being a visual learner and wanting to experiment;  I decided to see what happened when I looked in the mirror and smiled without smiling.  Mainly focused my mind on a smile.  I was amazed; a twinkle did appear, the eyes did smile.   Okay so what is an experiment without the other side.  I focused my mind on something that annoyed me or just made me ponder and right before my “eyes” there was a change, the twinkle was gone. 

So why am I telling you this.  As a leader, you are being watched.  Clients and team members may not say so but they can usually tell the instant they meet you if you are genuine, honest, and/or sincere. A dead giveaway is a phony smile. 

So keep it real.  I am watching you.   : )

Until next time,



 10 Day Mentoring Program:

Category : Customer Engineering | Synergistic Leadership | Blog

adjective- highest in quality

Sterling leaders have a unique set of qualities. What are they and how can you become a sterling leader?

1. You must passionately believe in what you want. Jack Canfield said, “If you are passionate about what it is you do then you’re going to be looking for everything you can do to get better at it.”

2. Leaders feel fear and do what needs to be done anyway. Winston Churchhill said,”Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without loosing enthusiam.” Leaders use the fear, instead of letting it use them. They know fear focuses the mind and can be turned to power. Ambrose Redmoon said,” Courage is not the absence of fear, but is rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear”

3. Leaders empower people and create co-ownership. Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do; connect them with the “why” and let them surprise you with the results.

4. Leaders have a clear vision of where they want to go. Ask yourself what would move someone to take a journey that he or she doesn’t want to take? Leaders deal in hope.

5. Leaders communicate their vision. Stories are how we remember, how we learn, and how we visualize what we can be. Tell the story in it’s rich full color.

You can’t fake being a leader. If you have passion, your team has passion. If you empower, they empower. What you see in people is a reflection of you. As you grow as a leader, those around you grow.

Until next time,

Get your set of Ready, Set, Engage Action Cards:

Category : Ready_Set_Engage | Synergistic Leadership | Blog