
Stephanie Y. Oden, The Leader Builder, is the president of LiveWire Consulting Group. She works with emerging leaders and helps them minimize learning the curves of transition, deepen core skills and create a culture of engagement. Her programs are the answer to the talent gap. Stephanie has worked with Fortune 500 companies and service organizations. Her 20+ years of experience include engineering, manufacturing, education, customer satisfaction and as a corporate senior executive.

She combines her technical experience, ability to connect with audiences and her results-oriented approach to make her methods successful within the diversity of any organization. She is the author of Ready, Set, Engage®: Create Dynamic Teams and Unwavering Customer Alliances. Stephanie has a passion for equipping emerging leaders and helping them avoid pitfalls that cause them to fall short of their potential. She is a believer in the power of leveraged human capital, and knows how critical an engaged culture is to the sustainability of any organization.

A thought leader in the areas of leading with synergistic intention and team connection, Stephanie is a seminar leader, keynote speaker, author and executive coach. She helps individuals and organizations get results by having focused, motivated, and on purpose leaders.

Stephanie speaks primarily to business and educational organizations on human capital management and closing the talent gap.

To schedule Stephanie for your next event or workshop, call our office at 765.437.1325

Speech topics:

“Real Leaders Know How to Get the Absolutes Off the Wall and Into the Hearts” – What it takes to create internal and external organizational evangelists.

“Success ‘A’bilities” - To successfully migrate the change from team member to being in charge will require a different set of abilities.

“Team Short Circuits”
– Even high performing teams can fall victim to ‘melt downs’; The top five undercurrents that can destroy the foundation of any team.

“Engage through Diversity”
– Harness the hidden potential of your team by focusing on the strength in differences.

“Reclaim the Next Generation of Learners, Engage a Leader”
– Engaged educational leaders are the key to creating a culture that is adaptable and produces students that businesses need. Hear success lessons from the shop floor on creating a culture of relationships, systems and results.

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